
We’d love to hear from you so please get in touch to make a booking enquiry, ask for more information, make a suggestion or just to say hello. We find email and WhatsApp work best while we’re working in the mountains, but any of the methods below will reach us.

Phone and email

Phone: +33 6 69 64 85 29

We may not be able to respond immediately if we’re out in the mountains, but send a message or leave a voicemail and we’ll get back to you as soon as we possibly can.


Send an SMS or WhatsApp message to the number above, a Facebook message at or you could tweet us @white_marmotte.

Postal Address

If writing letters and postcards is more your thing, you can send them to us at:

White Marmotte
Villa Vallet 2
97 Impasse de l’Androsace
74400 Chamonix Mont-Blanc

Refuge de Miage – not our address, but where we might be when you call us…